Making a mistake with your finances can be very dangerous. It could cause you to go into debt, lose money that you can not afford to lose or could put you in a state of misery. It is important to keep your finances safe and secure, and you can do this by learning from other people's mistakes. Here is a list of some pivotal mistakes: 1. Chasing performance 2. Expecting success with a limited time commitment 3. Making important financial decisions without sound counsel 4. Becoming your own financial adviser 5. Not including your spouse 6. Not equipping the next generation Fix these mistakes! Prevent these mistakes from happening! Keep Climbing.
Here at Alchanati Campbell and Associates, we are always in the know of current events and trends in the market & in the economy, and we are always looking for faults that could cause a downturn of the US economy. We are obligated to know these key points because our investing strategy has a strong correlation to the ups-and-downs of the market. On November 5, 2017, we predicted that the market will have a correction due to one of these reasons:
1) President Trump/American Politics/North Korea 2) Federal Reserve raising interest rates too quickly 3) China's economic growth slipping 4) US Productivity growth failing to accelerate 5) Bitcoin imploding 6) Deregulation/Fraud 7) Companies and the overall stock market being overvalued 8) Auto loans defaulting 9) General state of the European Union/Catalonia, Spain/Brexit With this in mind, we are actively tracking the patterns in market data waiting until one of the bearish signals are triggered. Our investing strategy is simple, low risk, and very effective, and we are able to turn profit when the market is at its lows and at its highs. Keep Climbing
AuthorMy name is Camden Alchanati and my goal is to teach you how to create a future of financial stability and growth! Archives
June 2020